Curriculum Vitae
This is my CV in short form. For a detailed list of what past projects and skills acquired, see the projects and experience pages.
Name Michael Haas
Date of birth 1987-04-29, 66386 St. Ingbert, Germany
Nationality German
Languages German, English
1997-2007 Secondary School: Albertus-Magnus-Gymnasium, 66386 St. Ingbert, Graduation with general qualification for university entrance. Final Grade: 2.0
2007-2009 Computational Linguistics (B.Sc.), Saarland University
2009-2011 Theoretical and Applied Computational Linguistics (B.A.), Heidelberg University
2011 Graduation from Heidelberg University with Bachelor of Arts in Computational Linguistics. Final Grade: 1.5 ("Very Good")
Since 2012 Started M.A. studies in Computational Linguistics, Heidelberg University
2008-2010 Research Assistant in the Language Technology Lab at the German Research Center for Artifical Intelligence, Saarbrücken, in the EU project MUSING
Summer term 2010 Teaching assistant “Algorithms & Data Structures”
2010-2011 Freelance work: Firefox extensions, Web development, client-side processing of geographical data in the browser
Since 2011 Research Assistant in the Service Center for Research Data at the Mannheim University: handling of data processing for scientific projects, Information Extraction
Since 2011 IT services: Development of solutions for communication and data entry, web development for desktop and mobile, web administration, support